Monday, August 20, 2012

What duck hunters in the south should expect 2012-2013 season

Mossy Island Outfitters

I think this will be the season of all seasons. If you have ever thought about going on a guided duck hunt, this is the year to do it. If we get the cold weather we have in years past, the ducks will be plenty. The number of hatchlings are up and it shows in the limits this year. The biggest that jumps out to me is the scaup regulations. We haven't been able to kill 4 scaup in years now. The other biggest reason I think it will be a legendary year is the extreme drought in the northern states. The food source will not be there to hold ducks up north as it usually does. The last reason to book your hunt is the number of places that we will be able to hunt. The past few years a lot of our flooded timber has been dry, but this year water levels are setting up for a great season in those place that have been dry. Book your duck hunt now by calling 1-888-236-0532 or 662-254-9110 and speaking with me (Rocky Leflore). Also visit our website at

The Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks approved the dates and bag limits for the 2012-2013 waterfowl hunting seasons at its August 15 meeting in Jackson. Duck, merganser, and coot seasons will be November 23 - November 25, 2012; November 30 - December 2, 2012; and December 5, 2012 -January 27, 2013. The daily bag limit will be a total of 6 ducks, including no more than 4 mallards (no more than 2 of which may be females), 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 4 scaup, 2 pintail, 1 canvasback, 1 mottled duck, and 1 black duck. The merganser daily bag limit will be a total of 5 mergansers, only 2 of which may be hooded mergansers. Coots will have a 15-bird daily bag limit. The possession limit is twice the daily bag limit for ducks, mergansers, and coots.

Canada, snow, blue, Ross's, white-fronted goose, and brant seasons will occur from November 15, 2012 - January 27, 2013. Canada geese will have a 3-bird daily bag limit and brant will have a daily bag limit of 1 bird. The possession limit is twice the daily bag limit for both Canada geese and brant. Snow, blue, and Ross's geese will have a daily bag limit of 20 birds. White-fronted geese will have a daily bag limit of 2 birds. The possession limit for white-fronted geese is 4 and there is no possession limit for snow, blue, and Ross's geese.
In addition to the regular hunting season, there will again be a conservation order for snow, blue, and Ross's geese during the following dates: October 1 - November 14, 2012; January 28 -February 1, 2013; and February 4 - March 31, 2013 (only snow, blue, and Ross's geese may be taken during the light goose conservation order). The youth waterfowl weekend will occur during the weekend of February 2- February 3, 2013.